Trading well-known cryptocurrencies such as BTCUSD, ETHUSD, and LTCUSD allows you to keep your positions without incurring overnight fees.
Create an account to trade cryptocurrencies
Gain access to the expanding cryptocurrency market
using derivatives and take advantage of the opportunity to profit from changes in cryptocurrency prices without having to hold the underlying asset.
Trade every digital currency that is available.
entirely swap-free and retain your cryptocurrency trading positions for free.
Leverage proprietary trading features
help fortify your stances and offer your plan a distinct edge in a market that is constantly changing.

Cryptocurrency Chart
Cryptocurrency Trading
with Encore Capitals
Trade CFDs on 26 Cryptocurrencies
consistent availability for trading CFDs on a variety of cryptocurrencies, including as Dash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple.
Trade Anytime, Anywhere
Clients of Encore Capitals can invest in digital currencies whenever they choose, providing convenient, schedule-based investing.
Start Trading with Just $10
Make a $10 minimum deposit into your trading account to get started with cryptocurrency trading. This will enable you to start investing quickly and economically.
Modern Trading Platform
Invest with ease by using cutting-edge encore trading app , which come in web and app versions and offer a simple bitcoin trading experience.

Instant withdrawals
Make withdrawals easier so you can get your money quickly. Make a withdrawal request using your preferred payment method, and get immediate approval.³

Swap-free trading
Whether you are buying or shorting your preferred digital currency, keep your online trades going overnight with no fees.

Stop Out Protection
Take advantage of a special market protection function that helps you delay or prevent stop outs and strengthens your positions—especially during periods of elevated volatility.
Crypto market conditions
The cryptocurrency market is a virtual exchange that generates new coins and facilitates safe transactions for users through blockchain technology. You may diversify your online assets and profit from changes in digital ocurrency prices, whether they are rising or declining, by trading crypto derivatives.
Crypto trading hours
You can trade cryptocurrencies 24/7 except during server maintenance. We will inform you via email when this takes place.
The below currency pairs have close only mode:
- BTCAUD, BTCJPY, BTCCNH, BTCTHB, BTCZAR: on Sunday from 20:35 to 21:05
- BTCXAU, BTCXAG: on Sunday from 21:35 to 22:05
The below currency pairs also have daily break:
- BTCXAU, BTCXAG: Monday – Thursday from 20:58 to 22:01
All timings are in server time (GMT+0).
The spreads in the above table are averages from yesterday because spreads are constantly erratic. Please consult the trading interface for the most recent spreads.
Please be aware that decreasing market liquidity may cause spreads to expand. This might continue until the levels of liquidity are restored.
No swap is charged on cryptocurrencies positions.
Fixed margin requirements
Margin requirements for all cryptocurrency pairs are fixed, regardless of the leverage you use.
Stop level
Please be aware that the stop level values shown in the above table could change at any time and might not be accessible to traders who use Expert Advisors or specific high-frequency trading strategies.
Frequently asked
The following rules apply when it comes to setting levels for pending orders:
Pending orders along with SL and TP (for pending orders) must be set at a distance (at least the same as current spread or more) from the current market price.
SL and TP in pending orders must be set at least the same distance from the order price as the current spread.
For open positions, SL and TP must be set at a distance from the current market price which is at least the same as that of the current spread.
Encore Capitals guarantees no slippage for almost all pending orders that are executed at least three hours after trading opens for an instrument since we understand how frustrating it may be when your order falls into a price gap. On the other hand, your order will be executed at the first market quote that follows the gap if any of the following conditions are met:
if the market is operating under unusual circumstances when your pending order is executed, like limited liquidity or extreme volatility.
If your order is pending and there is a gap in the market, but the difference in pip values between the order’s desired price and the first market quote that appears after the gap is equal to or greater than a
Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger system that makes it hard to manipulate or alter any transaction because it verifies each one securely across several computers.
It functions by building an unbroken chain of blocks, each of which has a record of the prior transaction.
By using a consensus process called “mining,” which rewards network nodes for validating transactions and adding new blocks, the blockchain is kept safe.
As a result, it is extremely difficult for someone to alter or tamper with the data kept on the blockchain. Furthermore, there isn’t a single point of failure because of its distributed architecture.
This implies that even if one node fails, the others will keep running without any problems.
A variety of criteria should be taken into account when choosing which cryptocurrencies to trade. These consist of technology features, market capitalization, volatility, and liquidity.
In addition, traders ought to look into the coin or token’s development team and take into account their track record of accomplishments on prior projects.
When looking for crypto trading chances, it’s also critical to stay up to date on market news. Finally, before selecting when to enter or quit a trade, always perform a thorough fundamental and technical study of bitcoin values over a number of time frames.
The most popular and extensively utilized cryptocurrency is called Bitcoin. More money has been invested in it than in all other cryptocurrencies put together.
Along with having the strongest infrastructure, it also has the highest degree of liquidity. Because of this, it is the most well-liked cryptocurrency among both investors and traders.
Although there is some price volatility with Bitcoin, overall, it is thought to be more stable than other, more erratic digital currencies.
Whether or not Bitcoin is a good addition to your trading portfolio is ultimately up to you. It truly relies on your risk tolerance and trading approach for bitcoin.
As usual, before entering the cryptocurrency market, we advise you to conduct your own study and keep up with the most recent developments in the industry.
We offer 24/7 trading on all cryptocurrencies, except a few cryptocurrency pairs (see above). In case of any server maintenance, we will keep you informed.
You can hedge cryptocurrency positions with a hedged margin of 0%. Please note, for ETHUSD and LTCUSD, it is not possible to close orders for a volume less than 0.1 lot by hedge/partial closing.