Economic calendar

Keep track of high-impact news, key market-moving economic events and data releases with our Economic calendar. Bookmark this page and refer to the calendar regularly to stay up-to-date with the happenings in the financial markets.

Plan your trading with the Encore economic calendar

The Economic Calendar is a tool that traders can use to track and evaluate events that impact the market and forecast future price changes. It lists forthcoming global and national news stories in date-ordered chronological order.

These significant occurrences, which are typically reported or publicized, can have a significant effect on the financial markets. Monetary policy choices, economic indicators, GDP announcements, Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) statistics, interest rate decisions, and more are a few examples of such occurrences.

To keep traders informed of the time and instruments that may be affected, we alert traders ahead of major events, news, and data releases. On your trading platform, these messages are located under the “Mailbox” menu. Please remember that each instrument may be affected differently by economic news and statistics.

Why you should use the Economic Calendar

If you want to quickly keep track of impending news, reports, and announcements, the Economic Calendar is invaluable.

The events could have a significant effect on stock prices, forex currency pairs, and other market volatility. As a result, traders frequently utilize the calendar to schedule trades and keep track of indicators and chart patterns that could be impacted by the events.

It’s a good idea to consult the calendar prior to the trading day because the events may have a major impact on price fluctuations during the publishing period.

How to use the Economic Calendar

By choosing different trading instruments from the Symbols dropdown list, you can alter the way your screen appears.

Note that the quantity of trading instruments in the calendar varies dynamically based on the quantity of news and events that are scheduled.

How to read the Economic Calendar

You’ll get a calendar with a list of events after choosing the instruments you want.

The “Actual” and “Forecast” numbers are the two important figures in the table. There may be considerable fluctuation in the connected trading instruments’ chart if there is a notable discrepancy between the two quantities. Volatility typically increases fifteen minutes prior to an incident and decreases fifteen minutes following it.

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